Hope Hill Rehabilitation centre is a 12 step based centre. We believe in a holistic approach to recovery. Our program is based on the bio-psychosocial model and we believe in focusing on all aspects of the human being and not just the drug / alcohol abuse. Our program is formulated to give maximum exposure to a wealth of knowledge and experience on not only overcoming a crippling addiction but also on how to live a life free from substance use. The program is based on an extensive knowledge of the subject matter and years of experience as recovering addicts are involved and pivotal to quality support and guidance provided throughout the program. These experienced counsellors have been through the same process enhancing their understanding of what is required for each individual patient to find the strength and hope needed to live a life in recovery. Having been down the same path our counsellors understand the importance of an effectively structured and closely monitored journey into understanding the behaviour deficiencies which cause the individual to feel the need to turn to drug / alcohol use.
Simply abstaining from drugs / alcohol through sheer will power is not a sustainable state of being. The decision to stop using or drinking has to be accompanied with action to change the individual’s behaviour, reaction to life on life’s terms, image of self, and outlook on life. These changes have to be focused and sustained by working a strong program of recovery throughout the individual patient’s life. Our program is structured in such a way as to help every patient work on their own defects of character with gentle guidance and to lay the foundation for a lifetime of recovery and sustainable change trough making use of structured group therapy, individual one on one counselling sessions, activities group sessions and an introduction to the 12 step recovery programs used by outside organisations (AA, NA) of which the patient is encouraged to join after their stay at Hope Hill. The program is set out as follows.